segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011

MUSICA NOVA: Bei Maejor Feat. Mike Posner - They Call Me

Foi disponibilizado ontem a faixa ''They Call Me'' (Eles Me Chamam) que faz parte da nova mixtape do Bei Maejor chamada de MaejorMaejor disponibilizada para download hoje!


Verso do Mike:

My mommy calls me Michael
My homies call me Pose
I call hoes, hoes
But I never call hoes
And if u call me Poz I know u don’t really like me
Your brother calls me ill
Your sister calls me Mikey
They use to call me lame cause all I did was make beats
I’ve been called whack
I’ve been called a genius
And everything in between
They call me the next JT
But I don’t dance though
I cut a check for Detroit
You bought a Lambo
And I ain’t call the press
What you call that?
Just to solve the problems in my head
I give it all back
The rap singer
All of the above
You could call me
I’m Coming After Legacy & Love

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